
Alan Parker steps down

At our recent AGM Allan Parker stood down as Chairman, having overseen the Society and the Sanctuary since their inception 10 years ago. Along with Jean Bell (who died last year) he was also awarded a Community Volunteers Award 2013 by the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board of the Auckland Council. Matt Maitland, Open Sanctuary…


What’s that bird?

A comprehensive digital encyclopedia of NZ birds is now available online. To quote Graeme Taylor, DOC Principal Science Advisor: This new website has an excellent function that can be used to identify birds where the people concerned know very little about birds in general. It uses a system of habitat groups or broad plumage patterns…


Uncommon orchid found

In a recent visit members of the Auckland Botanical Society identified a native orchid growing in the Park. Corunastylis pumila is a tiny orchid which is described as being naturally uncommon and easily overlooked because of its small size and autumn flowering.It is most often recorded from Northern North Island south to about Kawhia, East…

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Trappers wanted

The Trapping Team aims to intercept and remove any predators within the sanctuary to allow native species to flourish, and to encourage more species from other sanctuaries to become established at Shakespear. Trappers are assigned a line of traps that are checked regularly. You can help trapping We are looking for volunteers to join the…

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SOSSI is growing

SOSSI and Tuesday volunteers have completed a major upgrade of the Sossi nursery, with financial support from Auckland Council and Pub Charity. This has created a more efficient production unit for pricking out and bagging on new young seedlings as they arrive from the Botanic Gardens who are doing the seed propagation work for us….


The fence is working

While dotterel are known to breed at Shakespear, prior to this year none have managed to raise their chicks to fledglings. This year four pairs have had chicks, three of them surrounded by crowds of holiday-makers on Te Haruhi beach, with about two fledgings per pair. This is well ahead of the average of half…