Since Shakespear was opened as a regional park in 1972, thousands of trees have been planted by staff and volunteers. Gullies have been fenced off to allow bush to regenerate and a major restoration of the Okoromai wetland has been completed. An on-site nursery, built and managed by SOSSI, is now raising seedlings with a target rate of 10,000 annually. Seed is collected on-site and and germinated either at the nursery or at the Auckland Council Botanical Gardens.

The revegetation plan aims to develop a habitat linkage with Tiritiri Matangi, to connect up existing areas of forest within the sanctuary and to provide suitable habitat for reintroduction of flora and fauna. In recent years planting has been concentrated at the eastern end of the park and on the dunes at Te Haruhi Bay.
Three or four planting days are held each year, at which the public and organised groups are welcome to assist in planting out. The dates are advertised well in advance and occur in the winter.