Shakespear Regional Park
At the tip of the Whangaparaoa Peninsula, Shakespear Regional Park has sheltered bays, wetlands, regenerating native forest, cliffs, historic places and a lookout with views second to none. It offers nice walks and beaches and is an easy 50 minutes drive from the Harbour Bridge.
Most of the Park is also kept a sanctuary for native wildlife and plants, with a 2km pest-proof fence to keep pests out. ALL PETS ARE PROHIBITED inside the sanctuary fence! Please check for your vehicle for any other unwanted stowaways.
The park is the second oldest of the many regional parks owned by Auckland Council, and it is operated by Council rangers. It is also the second busiest, with some 700,000 visitors each year.
Information about access, dog walking, camping etc can all be found here.
A Short History
Prior to 1853 when the area was purchased by the Crown, the end of Whangaparaoa Peninsula was occupied by Ngati Kahu, a subtribal group. Their main settlement was between Te Haruhi Bay and Army Bay, where fortified pa protected the area. The earthwork remains of Maori activity are still obvious in places.
The park is named after the Shakespear family, who were connected to this land from the late 1800s until the Auckland Regional Council acquired it in 1967. Around 1910 the Shakespears built a large homestead on the hill overlooking Te Haruhi Bay which is today run by the YMCA as Shakespear Lodge.